The EV ChargeON program provides funding for the installation of public electric vehicle (EV) chargers in Ontario communities outside of major cities.

EV ChargeON aims to:

  • increase number of public EV charging stations throughout Ontario to build a more connected network
  • Make public chargers more accessible and affordable
  • encourage more people to switch to EV's

What is ChargeON?
what is charge on
  • Provincial government program
  • $63M in funds
  • Business, non-profits, municipalities, Indigenous communities, and para-public organizations like hospitals and universities

What is the timeline?
  • Application period is opened now!
  • Closes on January 31st, 2024, at 5pm EST

Who is eligible?
  • Small and medium sized communities in Ontario
  • Population of < 170,000
  • Public and private sectors incorporated or registered in Ontario
  • Current property owner or capable providing proof of access to site

What are the charger requirements?
  • Only L2 chargers? Need at least 4 ports
  • Only 1 L3 charger? Need a minimum of 1 port if co-located with L2 chargers
  • L3 not co-located? 2 ports necessary
  • For redundancy, tandem charger requirements apply if >5km away from L3 charger

Other requirements?
  • Installation compliant with code
  • Chargers must be new, and certified in Canada
  • Must be connected
  • Operational for 5 years
  • Accessible
  • Project complete within 24 months
  • Publicly accessible 24/7