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Eveready® E90BP2N Alkaline Battery Pack, Zinc Manganese Dioxide (Zn/MnO2), 1.5 VDC Nominal, 1000 mAh Nominal, N
$4.20 / Package
- Manufacturer Name :Energizer Holdings
- Battery Size :N
- Package Quantity :2
- Chemical System :Zinc Manganese Dioxide
- Nominal Capacity :1000 mAh
- Nominal Voltage :1.5 VDC
Technical Specifications
Manufacturer Name
Energizer Holdings
Battery Size
Package Quantity
Chemical System
Zinc Manganese Dioxide
Nominal Capacity
1000 mAh
Nominal Voltage
1.5 VDC
Eveready® Alkaline Battery Pack, Zinc Manganese Dioxide (Zn/MnO2) Chemical System, 1.5 VDC Nominal, 1000 mAh Nominal, N Battery, 0.8 VDC Discharge Cut-Off, 25 mA Nominal Discharge, 150 to 300 mOhm Internal, Flat/Nub Terminal, 12 mm L x 12 mm W x 30.2 mm H